Beginning in 2019 in the community of Stanley Mission (located 485 km north of Saskatoon), Community Arts Mentorship Program began mentoring artists to live in communities to deliver music and arts programming.
In partnership with the Sask Arts Board, this programming provides free music lessons, instruments and music experiences to the resident community, in exchange for housing and facilities use.
Programming usually consists of the artist working with the school for both in-school and after hours programming, community lessons, and open stages, talent nights and coffee houses.
The evolution of these residencies ideally leads to a secured full-time arts/music teacher in the community through partnerships with the local school division, band council and/or town administration.


The Canoe Lake/Beauval Residency took shape in a twist of fate in 2019 when Eliza Doyle met Ralph Opikokew during the Stanley Mission Artist in Residency.
She was looking for a fiddle teacher, as Elders in the area indicated that Fiddle was an area of focus they wanted for their youth. Ralph Opikokew from Canoe Lake came highly recommended. The retired principal, Elder, and everyone's favourite Moshum, Ralph has been playing fiddle since he was child and has a vision for revitalizing not only fiddle, but the old tyme dances and jigging that used to bring their communities much strength, joy and intergenerational connection.
With grants from the Sask Arts Board, we are able to bring music lessons, experiences and mentorship to these two communities. It is our desire, as it was with Stanley Mission, to secure a full-time Music Teacher in the community through the school division, and we are in talks now to see local capacity built.
Beginning in January 2019 for 5 weeks in Stanley Mission, Eliza Doyle taught music in both the Elementary and High School, as well as with community members. There were Community Music Lesson Nights, Open Stages, Coffee Houses and Talent Nights, as well as regular after-school programming.
This residency was so successful, an application was written and granted through the Sask Arts Board for a 12-month Artist in Residency in the community.
During this residency, Mitch Dureault (fiddle, ukulele), Erik Mehlsen (guitar, drums, bass, drums, songwriting), Ralph Opikokew (fiddle) and Eliza Doyle (banjo, guitar, mandolin, ukulele, songwriting) lived in Stanley Mission for 12 months and delivered music lessons and provided music experiences for the community.
Approximately 450 students participated in the programming from K - 12, as well as 40 community members.
In the community, this residency has evolved into a full-time Music Teacher Position, and is funded through the local school division.