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CAMP Curriculum Development


We are thrilled to partner with the Saskatchewan Music Educators Association (SMEA) to create a FREE Music Teacher Resource Kit! This is the 1st Phase of the project, and we plan to go further into detail via video demonstrations, more unit plans, and more resources surrounding Music and Treaties in the Classroom. 


Thus far, the information package and music resource kit will help prepare musicians to teach in remote, under-served and vulnerable communities in Saskatchewan. The kit was created by Eliza Doyle, Holly Yuzicapi, Clorice Delorme, Rebecca Donnelly and Mitch Dureault. It is divided into four Grade levels: K-2, 3-6, 7-9 and 10-12, with the 10-12 level featuring a detailed course for Music 10, 20, 30. The kit features resources such as chord charts, song selections, scales and practice items for ukulele, guitar, fiddle, piano, bass, drums, mandolin, banjo and vocal instruction. All resources are available at the beginner, intermediate and advanced levels.


​It is also very important that all teachers in Saskatchewan had access to resources designed to promote Truth and Reconciliation in the classroom. In the Resource Kit you will information on Treaties and the 70 First Nations Communities in Saskatchewan, Land Acknowledgements, Cultural Appropriation, Cultural Protocols and Sensitivity, Community and Relationship Building Techniques, Tips for Dealing with Disclosures of Trauma (Vicarious and Intergenerational Trauma), Disclosures and Legal Responsibility (Suicide/Abuse), Fillable Community Contacts List and The Importance of Self-Care.


Thank you to the whole team for their amazing work on this project and for helping us support music development, mentorship, and the preservation of local music traditions and heritage in Northern Saskatchewan communities!


The link below will bring you directly to the resources! Have fun exploring and learning, and we hope you find some gems that assist you in your teaching and reconciliation journey. 

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