A mentee program has never been offered before through Community Arts Mentorship Program, and we are grateful to offer this new program. Many musicians have expressed interest in the Residency Program and Full-Time Music Teacher positions, but are unsure and hesitant due to lack of experience. Many have never worked in communities and schools in this capacity and would benefit greatly from an internship experience.
Currently CAMP is expanding residency programs and music teacher positions at a fast rate, and we are always needing to connect with trained musicians to fill these job positions. Through this Music Teacher Mentorship Program, we will secure trained personnel for the upcoming influx of positions.
Mentoring Saskatchewan musicians on how to work with remote and underserved communities through hands-on experience is CAMP’s latest endeavor. Teaching musicians how to teach and instruct is invaluable to expanding music programming into more communties, and we are excited to partner with the National Arts Center to provide these in depth learning experiences for musicians.